Cyber Dating Abuse

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We have talked a lot about how social media and technology has allowed us to connect to a much greater extent. What this has not necessarily taken into consideration, is how it has also created a new tool for individuals to harass and abuse one another. When so many of our daily activities revolve around social media, it is easy to become a victim or a perpetrator of cyber dating abuse (Zweig et a., 2013).

Most people think of abuse in relationships as strictly physical and between two people in a partnership, but it is very possible to be abused by a significant other through online media. According to Zweig et al. (2013), approximately 25% of teens have experienced cyber dating abuse. If you have received unwanted images, requests for sexual activities, been preyed upon online, you are not the only one and it is important to recognize when it is happening and how to react to it appropriately.

With the use of social media like Snapchat, it is very easy to send and receive nude or semi-nude pictures, whether they are wanted or not. Everyone seems to be under the impression that these images disappear after the time limit is up, however the ability to screenshot images has made it a very scary thing. As was mentioned in one of our earlier blogs, be careful what you send out into the inter webs and to other people! If you don’t want an employer or your parents to see it…don’t send it!

If your partner is requesting things that you wouldn’t feel comfortable with doing in person, it is okay to say NO! And next time, be sure to think twice before asking something of someone that may compromise both your and their values. Since there is a certain level of anonymity and inhibition with social media, it lets abusers and victims hide. Social media can be used for wonderful things and you can make sure it stays that way by only sending nice and appropriate things! Help us end cyber abuse.


Zweig, J., Dank, M., Yahner, J., & Lachman, P. (2013). The rate of cyber dating abuse among teens and how it relates to other forms of teen dating violence. J Youth Adolescence, 42, 1063-1077.

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