Just harmless browsing?

Technology can be a bad thing.  Addiction to the internet has many effects on our health and relationships. When we spend too much time on our communication devices, we miss out on interesting things and people around us. We may become too focused on keeping up appearances on Instagram and Facebook that we make wrong choices, forget who we really are and lose touch with reality. Today, we are talking about the side effects of internet misuse and overuse.

When adolescents (aged 9-16) from Europe were asked about the effect of digital media on their health, most of them reported having eye problems and headaches, not eating, feeling aggressive or hyperactive, having trouble sleeping and feeling tired (Smahel, Wright & Cernikova, 2015). Most, if not all, of these factors can be linked to mental health disorders such as depression and eating disorders. If you are experiencing any of these problems should reach out to a responsible adult (e.g.parents, teachers, counsellors & psychologists) for help.

According to healthinessbox.com (2013), Internet addiction can have many side effects on a person’s health, such as:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • DryEyes
  • Back aches and Neck aches (we mentioned this here )
  • Severe Headaches
  • Eating Irregularities, (Such As Skipping Meals)
  • Failure To Attend To Personal Hygiene
  • Sleep Disturbance

this video from buzzfeed…

Do you spend more than 2 hours at a time on your mobile device? Do you more than 5 hours at a spend watching TV and playing video games? Are you always on your phone? Have you spent so much time on your mobile device, watching TV or playing video games that you forget to eat, do your school work or run errands? Are you on your phone last thing before you sleep and after you wake up? Have you ever experienced the bad side of the internet or social media? Share your experiences with us in the comments section.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need to take a step back to reconnect with people around you. You may even need to seek help from a professional to address your “addiction” to the internet.

In the mean time, look for ways to curb your media presence and internet overuse… #moderationisKey

Remember to join our challenge for a chance to be featured on our instagram page for a day! Our Friday deadline is upon us!

Bonus information:

People who spend a lot of time on the internet may get into internet gambling (Young & Nabuco de Abreu, 2010).

Till next time,

Stay safe online!


Buzzfeed Yellow. (2014). Are you addicted to the internet? Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOUsiXgtHGQ

Healthinessbox.com (2013). Computer Addiction or Internet Addiction. Retrieved from http://www.healthinessbox.com/computer-addiction-or-internet-addiction/

Smahel, D.,  Wright, M.F.,  & Cernikova, M. (2015) The impact of digital media on health: children’s perspectives [abstract]. International Journal of Public Health.

Young, K. S. &  Nabuco de Abreu, C. (2010). Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. Wiley.

(Picture retrieved from https://www.healthtap.com/user_questions/172222)

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